BitFonter is a powerful and professional tool to create bitmap fonts. This software is available on Mac and Windows operating systems. It has the functionality to create bitmap fonts from any source such as scanned pictures or photos. It is a tool targeted t the professionals and supports open type and true type font conversion into Bitmap fonts. It is to be noted that the support of associated software is required to handle the conversion. Process is given a sequential line to help the user to convert in an organized manner. Special effects can be applied on the font through manipulation tools and application of filters. Image formats supported for import into the software is comprehensive with most of the common formats included. Processing is faster in rendering the font.
Interface is maintained in similar style as photo shop for users to synchronize quickly with the software. Existing fonts can be tuned, redesigned to create new fonts. There is also a facility included to convert the bitmap font from one format to another for application in various applications. It possesses multilingual capability to produce bitmap fonts for Unicode support. Editing tools are enhanced to create sharp fonts for easy identification in smaller font size.